Wednesday, July 30, 2014

WBT Classroom Behavior Plan

    I don't go back to school until August 20th and I can't get into my classroom yet, so I have not had a chance to prepare very much. However, one thing that I have done is to prepare my behavior plan for the new school year. Every year, we are required to turn in a classroom discipline plan to our principal.  My plan this year is quite different because I plan on using Whole Brain Teaching techniques starting from the beginning of the year. This is my plan.

First, I plan to teach the students the 5 rules with gestures:

Rule #1 – Follow directions quickly
Rule #2 – Raise your hand for permission to speak
Rule #3 – Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat
Rule #4 – Make smart choices
Rule #5 – Make your dear teacher happy

These rules will be taught the first week of school and repeated several times a day throughout the school year. 

Our school is a PBIS school and I think that PBIS fits in well with rule #4 – making smart choices. If after a period of time, a student chooses not to follow the rules, there are a variety of options to help the student improve following the rules.  Some things that a teacher can do include: having students use practice cards – the student has to practice the rule for 1-2 minutes and having the class gently remind a student of the rule. If a student continues to ignore the rules the teacher will conference individually with the student to solve the problem.

            Another part of the behavior plan includes the scoreboard which is whole class based. I keep a tally of happy faces and sad faces and at the end of the day the students can be rewarded with an extra minute of recess, mind soccer (an academic game), and other small rewards.  If they have more sad faces, a minute of recess can be taken away, several extra problems or writing can happen as well.  
            The third part of the behavior plan is the Super Improver Team. I will have students earn a star on their card by improving in some area – anything from behavior to academics. After earning 10 stars, they will get a new card (a different color) and be able to take home the old card to celebrate their accomplishments. All students will start with the beginner level (white cards) and move up through different levels to genius level.    

I would love to know what you use for your behavior plan. Please leave a comment.


  1. Hello
    I am going to implement WBT as well. I use a little bits and pieces of it. I am not sure what grade I will be in next year because I am relocating.
